If it’s not simple, it’s not good enough. This goes for tech, and it goes for invoices too. Our customers love our system because our invoices match our ticketing systems. You can easily cross-reference to ensure that you’re getting value and paying for the right things.
If your service providers don’t use IT management and ticketing software, you may be getting scribbled month-end invoices, or templates from an accounting package. Worse, you could be getting just a list of invoice numbers/job cards. Our clients love our integrated, easy invoicing system.
Every ticket is identified, regardless of whether it was billed, and even if it didn’t generate an additional cost because you have an unlimited support contract and monitoring or proactive support services, for example. You’ll understand all work done, and who did it: You’ll know who helped, who they spoke to, and how long they took to resolve the problem.
One problem, one ticket: If the job started via the telephone and with remote assistance, but needs to be transferred to an engineer, same ticket goes along. This ensures that our first resolution attempt is the fastest and only transferred to a technician when necessary.
(This is an example and it may change from time to time.)