With these shortcuts, you’ll be able to save even more time on the Twitter website.
B = Block User
If you aren’t happy with a user’s behaviour, don’t like what they have to say and don’t want to interact with them, pressing ‘b’, will block them
F = Favourite
If you just love a tweet and want to keep it forever, pressing ‘f’, will do this for you. This only works if you have opened up a new page for the Tweet. It won’t work just on your homepage
J = Next Tweet
To move on to the next Tweet in a list, simply pressing ‘j’ will take you down to the next one and create a blue box around the Tweet
K = Previous Tweet
To go back to a previous tweet, press ‘k’
L = Close Open Tweets
To close any tweets that are open, press ‘l’
M = New Direct Message
If you want to send a DM (direct message), press ‘m’ and a new direct message box will appear on your screen. You can then type in the recipient’s Twitter handle and send your message
N = New Tweet
Wherever you are on the Twitter site, pressing ‘n’ on your keyboard will immediately pull up a ‘What’s happening?’ box for you to type your Tweet into
R = Reply
The ‘r’ shortcut is reserved for replying to a Tweet. Make sure you have the Tweet open separately before you do this. If you press it whilst on the homepage, nothing will happen
T = Retweet
You need to have the Tweet fully open to do this. Once you have it up, just press ‘t’ and it will ask you if you want to retweet it to your followers
U = Unblock User
If you’ve forgiven the person you’ve blocked, or have blocked them by mistake – find the user and click ‘u’ to unblock them
GA = Activity Page
Clicking ‘g a’ will take you to the activity page
GC = Connect Page
When you want to get to your list of interactions, just press ‘g c’ on the keyboard
GD = Discover Page
To go to the discover page, type ‘g d’ on the keyboard
GF = Favourites
To bring up all of your favourites, press “g f”
GH = Home
If you want to return straight to the home page, you don’t have to scroll the cursor up to the home icon on the left. You can just press ‘g h’ on your keyboard and it will take you straight to your home Twitter feed
GL = Lists
For lists, type in ‘g l’
GM = Messages
If you need to access your inbox, press ‘g m’ on your keyboard and it will take you right there
GP = Profile
Pressing “g p” will take you back to your profile
GR = Mentions
To bring up any tweets that mention you, type “g r” on the keyboard
GS = Settings
For settings, type “g s”
GU = Go to a Profile
“g u” will take you to a profile that you’re looking for
Space = Page Down
To page down press the space bar
Forward Slash (/) = Search
To search Twitter press ‘/’
Full Stop (.) = Load New Tweets
If you have an old browser, or your Tweets are taking a while to load, pressing ‘.’ will bring up the next set of Tweets for you, and take you to the top of your page
Question Mark (?) = Load Shortcut Menu
When in doubt of all these shortcuts, just typing in a question mark will bring up Twitter’s hidden menu of all the keyboard shortcuts available