Home IT 17th September 2020 How to Make the Most of Your Super-Fast Home Internet You probably already have Wi-Fi at home, and lately you probably also have super-fast home… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 24th August 2020 I, Robot Imagine a world where all you need to start your car, login to a Web… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 21st August 2020 Why your future digital ID should harness blockchain technology In the aftermath of large-scale data leaks, it is undoubtedly time to adopt a more… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 25th May 2020 Protect your internet access at home It is important to protect your internet access at home. Setting up the Internet at… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 25th May 2020 6 things that are probably blocking your Wi-Fi and how you can fix them Why the slowdown? You've probably heard that some household electronic devices, including microwave ovens, baby… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 5th May 2020 Why you are having Wi-Fi issues With homeschooling and working from home becoming the "new normal", we at Dial a Nerd… Dial a Nerd 1 Love0
Home IT 8th July 2019 Four Ways to Protect Your Child Online It is becoming increasingly important to protect your child online. While the internet is a… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 18th April 2018 Why paranoia is no longer enough when it comes to online security Why paranoia is no longer enough when it comes to online security All you wanted… Dial a Nerd 0 Love1
Home IT 21st February 2018 8 types of technology that help with the standard of living Technology that helps improve the standard of living is called Appropriate Technology and it’s goal… Dial a Nerd 0 Love0
Home IT 15th May 2017 Beware the Ransomware that will make you “Wanna Cry” As you have no doubt already heard, a vicious strain of ransomware named "Wanna Cry"… Dial a Nerd 3 Love0